Infinity MCI Solutions

Our Services & Products

An overview of the services you offer and how they will benefit the visitor.

Medical imaging system products

We can provide various software for medical imaging systems.

Mity For One

“Mity For One” is the product name of PACS system for hospitals.
By combining PACS servers, diagnostic workstations, and various web distribution services, we can achieve centralized management and efficient operation of hospital medical images.
A wide range of specialized software is also available for each clinical department.

Mity cloud

“Mity cloud” connects to the relay device in the facility and transfers images to the cloud, realizing backup of important hospital images, sharing with group hospitals, and cooperation with diagnostic imaging services.

Mity Report Anywhere

“Mity Report Anywhere” is the name of the report creation software used in the PACS system.

Mity Viewer WR

“Mity Viewer WR” is the name of our high-performance DICOM viewer software.
In addition to general X-ray images, CT/MRI tomographic images and echo videos can be viewed smoothly.

DICOM Viewer

All DICOM images such as X-Ray, CT/MRI, US, ES can be browsed.

MPR Function

Equipped with MPR viewing function such as CT/MRI

Terminal terminal for health checkup equipment

Dedicated terminal terminal functions for height, weight, eyesight, hearing, etc.

Advanced viewer for cardiovascular system

Equipped with various measurement functions, such as viewing Ultra Sound Echo videos.

What is the PACS system?

The PACS system stands for Picture Archiving and Communication System. It is a medical imaging technology used for the storage, retrieval, distribution, and presentation of medical images. The system is primarily used in healthcare facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic imaging centers.

PACS replaces traditional film-based radiology with digital imaging. It allows healthcare professionals, such as radiologists, physicians, and surgeons, to access and interpret medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasounds, from various modalities.

The PACS system consists of three primary components:

Imaging Modalities: These are the devices used to capture medical images, including X-ray machines, CT scanners, MRI machines, ultrasound machines, and others. These modalities produce digital images that are sent to the PACS system.
PACS Server: The server is the central component of the PACS system. It stores and manages the digital medical images received from imaging modalities. The server organizes the images in a database and provides secure access to authorized healthcare professionals.
Workstations and Viewing Stations: These are the computers or specialized monitors used by healthcare professionals to view and interpret medical images. They are connected to the PACS server and provide tools for image manipulation, measurement, and analysis.
The PACS system offers several advantages over traditional film-based systems. It enables faster and easier access to images, eliminates the need for physical storage space for films, reduces the risk of image loss or damage, and facilitates remote access to images for consultations or second opinions. It also allows for efficient image sharing between different departments, healthcare facilities, and healthcare professionals, improving collaboration and patient care.

All inspection images are digitized, and the required images are instantly displayed on the display.
No film or printouts are required.

All examination images generated in the hospital, such as radiology images, echo/endoscopic images, etc., are centrally managed by the PACS server.
It enables comparative reading with past inspection images.

All important case data can be called up at any time, which is useful for future case studies.

e-learning Cloud Service​

With the keyword "I want to learn! I want to teach!" In addition to the e-learning function, we will build your site on the cloud using "various service functions specialized in medical care. "


“i-Learny” is an e-learning cloud platform service currently in service in Japan.
Since it supports Japanese and English, it can immediately use if there is a request.

In addition, it is possible to respond quickly to your content service site by using many functions of this service.

What is the i-Learny?

i-Leany (e-learning cloud platform service)

An e-learning platform service with an extensive track record in Japan.

It is the best cloud service for providing video distribution, online exams, webinars, live distribution, etc., for your customers and members on the web.

Since it is possible to customize according to the customer’s request, it is possible to provide highly functional services in a short period of time compared to building from scratch.

i-Learny recruitment service is expanding in Japan